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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Conventional Learning Model

Conventional Learning Model

Conventional = traditional = old = old school (FIRST TIMES :-). How do you think? Same or not is up to you! To be sure there are also conventional in the way of teaching a teacher. One model is the conventional learning model, the model is still widely used by teachers. According Roestiyah N.K. (1998) The most traditional way of teaching and has long run in the history of education is to teach by the lecture. Since duhulu teachers in an attempt to transfer that knowledge to students by way of oral or lectures. Conventional learning is learning that is usually done by teachers. Whereas, conventional learning (traditional) generally have certain peculiarities, such as memorizing more priority than understanding, emphasizing the skills of numeracy, giving priority to the outcome rather than process, and teacher-centered teaching. Teachers usually teach only the use of textbooks or worksheets, with emphasis on the lecture method and sometimes questioning. Test or summative evaluations in order to determine the development is rarely done. Students must follow the way of learning chosen by the teacher, dutifully studying the sequence set of teachers, and less about the opportunity to express opinions.
Many of us find in the field of learning science that has been dominated by the teacher through the lecture method and ekspositorinya. teachers rarely teach students to analyze in depth about a concept and rarely encourage students to use logical reasoning such higher ability to prove or demonstrate concepts. The same thing was found by Marpaung (2001) that in science learning for students is almost never required to try the strategy and the ways (alternate) alone in solving the problem. can be drawn a conclusion that is in common with science learning is a teaching and learning activities that have been mostly carried out by the teacher where the teacher teaches in the classical style in which teachers dominate classroom activities with the expository method, and the students just accept what is delivered by teachers, as well as student activity for expression is lacking, so that students become passive in learning, and student learning less meaningful as more memorizing.
According to various sources, this model is actually no longer feasible to use in a teaching process, and needs to be changed. But remember, when the undeveloped world of education as now, the model is used by a teacher on the first? Do not they use the conventional model? It is clear, especially in areas that are less accessible sources of information, such as rural areas, or areas that are new to education, new teachers have a spurious, as well as various facilities that are less supportive.

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